Will We Recognize the Antichrist?

It’s likely that because of this late date the individual who will transform into the antichrist is already in limited power in the geographical area he will arise from. We know for certain we will be able to positively identify him at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. It’s then he will declare himself to be worshipped as God in the holy place on Jerusalem’s temple mount. We can’t and won’t mistake that. But the question is, will we be able to determine his identity before that? This may be important in our preparation for the “great tribulation” Jesus warned us about. The answer is maybe; here are some biblical clues.

One important clue is to watch those who rise to power in the area the bible indicates the antichrist will come from. That area is the old Assyrian empire to the north of Israel of which a major part is modern day Turkey. This is strongly indicated by verses such as Micah 5:5-6 (Assyrian), Ezekiel 38:15 (Gog-from the north quarter), Daniel 8 (Little horn-from Greece, that is ‘Yavan’ or western Turkey). Another clue is that he is likely to survive a major wound that should have killed him but from which he miraculously recovers. This could come from an assassination attempt, or a military battle. A third clue is the ‘number of his name'(666) which might be determined using Greek alpha-numerics. A fourth clue that should help will be his personal attributes as described in Daniel and Revelation. He is a charismatic leader of ‘fierce countenance’, a schemer and deceiver who is largely successful in battle. His influence and reputation will earn him high regard among the nations. A fifth clue is that he rises out of obscurity as opposed to royal inheritance. A sixth clue is his organization of a loyal 10 nation confederacy that will fully align with his nefarious goals. A seventh clue is that he will be the primary driver behind a “covenant with the many” that will kick off the final 7 years of this age till Jesus returns.

These seven clues taken together should give us a heads up as to his identity even before the middle of Daniel’s 70th week. I’ve provided much more detail about the antichrist in chapter 7 of my book “Last Days Events”. You can access it here: Last Days Events Sequence and Synchrony – Kindle edition by Weinert, James. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

It’s imperative that the Church watch for these clues so we can prepare and do all we can to resist this individual.

Maranatha, Jim

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