About 4 years ago I wrote an article entitled “Keeping an Eye on Turkey”. With Recep Erdogan as Turkey’s Dictator, that nation is quickly becoming the main geopolitical rival of Israel. Erdogan, since coming to power in 2002, has transformed turkey into a radical Islamist state. Erdogan himself is a hardcore radical Sunni (Sufi) Islamist and diehard leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood exists to restore an Islamic Caliphate modeled after the Ottoman Empire. Erdogan has ambitions to be that Caliph.
The recent fall of Syria into radical Islamist hands has delighted Erdogan, as his influence can now proceed unhindered throughout the only country between Turkey and Israel. And, as Israel is busy destroying what’s left of Syria’s weapon stockpiles and establishing buffer zones along their borders with Syria, Erdogan has given Israel a warning. He just stated a couple of days ago that Israel must withdraw its forces from Syrian territory or face “an unfavorable outcome”, his words for a war threat. We need to remember that Turkey is a NATO member nation with the second largest military in that alliance. The waning influence of Iran and her proxies projects Turkey into the limelight as Israel’s #1 enemy.
Turkey in an unmistakable player in prophesied end-time events and so bears watching. Refresh your information on Turkey by reading the aforementioned article here: Keeping an eye on Turkey – Google Docs
Maranatha, Jim