The Great Apostasy (Falling Away)

The apostle Paul says this about the day when Jesus returns and the revealing of the antichrist. “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.” (2 Thessalonians 2: 3). The Greek word for falling away is apostasia, or apostasy in English, meaning a defection from the truth. Paul was echoing Jesus’s warnings about deceptions in the last days. Paul is clearly associating this final great apostasy with the unmasking of the antichrist that will occur at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. But you may be wondering, is this a singular event? Aren’t we seeing world- wide defection from traditional Christianity now, in our day? While there are a few bright spots, I would agree that Christianity seems to be in decline. I really think what Paul is saying is that this falling away that we’re currently experiencing will be crowned by the revealing of the antichrist. After all, his appearance at this time will coincide with our choice to take his mark and join in his economic system or face his death sentence. Apparently, there will be massive numbers of believers who will fall for his deception and apostatize from the truth. Jesus Himself said as much while teaching about the last days: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. (Matthew 24:12). The word translated “many” in Jesus’ statement is in Greek polus which actually means largely or most. And the word “love” is agape which is the Godkind of love used primarily to describe Spirit-filled Christians. So, what Jesus is actually saying is that most Christians will fall away from their faith when faced with deception in the last days. This fact should be as startling to you as it is to me. Jesus followed up with this in the next verse: “But He who endures to the end will be saved.” Make no mistake Christians, some “enduring” is involved.

Each one of us must resolve in our own hearts and minds that if we are here to face those kinds of deceptions, we will follow Jesus no matter what consequences may follow. Eternity with Christ is important above all else.

Maranatha, Jim

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