Our Lord commanded us to “watch” as events unfold near the end of the age so that we can determine, as he said in parable form, what watch of the night the thief is coming and not let our house be broken into. In these last days, we are afforded many ways to carry out His command that would not have been available on a timely basis, even in the recent past. This is another indication that we truly are fast approaching the time of His second coming. We now have a plethora of media sources, both Christian and otherwise, that are instantly accessible by those who recognize the need to stay informed. Collectively, they act as “watchmen on the wall” to help us recognize prophesied events as they take shape. I’ve listed below some of the sources I personally check with intermittently to stay up to date. Hopefully this list will help you as well. I’ll provide a link to each so you can access them with any electronic device.
Stories Mainstream Media Doesn’t Cover – Israel365 News
PROPHECY UPDATE – Bible prophecy update
MEMRI | Middle East Media Research Institute
End Time Headlines | News From a Prophetic Perspective
Tracking the Birth Pangs – News and Links
ISRAEL RADAR – Geopolitical Intelligence & Analysis
Harbinger’s Daily – World News Biblically Understood
Erick Stakelbeck on TBN – YouTube
The Israel Guys – Homepage – The Israel Guys
Israeli Newspapers: Jewish News Syndicate | Israel News | Jewish World News | JNS, The Times of Israel | News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World, Israel news | Israel Hayom – www.israelhayom.com, Breaking News | The Jerusalem Post
I must note here that I do not necessarily subscribe to their particular views on biblical eschatology, but they are potential sources of breaking news. Of course, there are many other sources, such as individual watchmen and prophecy teachers that you might follow on social media or blogs such as this one. I’ll try to keep you updated about significant events as they happen, so stay tuned as things are about to get even more exciting! I also need to remind you of my book that details just what our bible says to watch for in chronological order. You can find it here: Last Days Events: Sequence and Synchrony: Weinert, J D: 9798858723684: Amazon.com: Books
Maranatha, Jim