Is Mainline Christianity Part of Mystery Babylon?

The short answer is yes, it surely seems that way. Liberal Catholic and protestant leadership appear to be wholly aligned with the World Economic Forum and the United Nations Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals. In a nutshell, their goals are ultra-socialistic globalist plans that will ultimately usurp control by individual nation states, replacing it with draconian control of individuals by a central authority consisting of elite political, business, and thought leaders. That liberal Christianity is on board with these goals is demonstrated by the following articles:

Churches are key partners for UN’s 2030 Agenda | The Lutheran World Federation

Archbishop Viganò: ‘The globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth’ – LifeSite (

Pope Francis hops aboard chilling, globalist ‘Great Reset’ WEF wagon – Washington Times

Though these articles are not new, their content as described is quickly moving forward. Yes, Mystery Babylon is maturing in our day with much “Christian” support, I’m afraid. If you’re a professing Christian, it’s imperative that you read and study this topic in Revelation chapters 17&18. Take special notice of 18:4. If you’re currently in a church that is espousing these sentiments, you really need to take stock of your situation. You either need to educate your leadership about the consequences of their actions and look for change, or simply leave and find a sincere bible believing/teaching fellowship that is aware of the end-times we are living in.

If you need commentary on just who Mystery Babylon is, there are articles and bible studies on this site that will help you. You can find them here:

A Biblical Tale.doc – Google Docs

Chronological Eschatology: Mystery Babylon Part 1 (

Maranatha, Jim

Comments are encouraged. Iron sharpens iron.