Our Los Amigos Bible study for this year has been completed. The book of Daniel was definitely a challenge, but very rewarding, especially concerning its emphasis on the end times. I know I’m a little better prepared to recognize some of the signs that are soon coming. If you’ve had the time to listen, I would appreciate your comments and/or questions. Follow the link listed in the previous post to access the you tube videos. Many thanks to Brendan Berthold for use of his recording, processing, and posting these videos.
My First Post
Hi all,
I’m in the process of setting up my blog, so bear with me. My intent is to establish a site where I can interact with fellow Christians concerning events, news, and any other pertinent information concerning events leading up to the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. He gave us a command to “watch”, so this blog, hopefully, will help us to do just that. Though the focus will primarily be biblical eschatology, I plan to include other topics that will help our ongoing discipleship.
Your comments and contributions will be vital to the success of this blog, so, I am soliciting your ideas, thoughts, and links to pertinent articles and videos, etc.
More to come soon. Jim