Article Two : Revelation Judgements Harmonized

Another article that I wrote long ago deals with the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgements in the Book of Revelation. Virtually all bible commentators/scholars treat these as separate judgements on the world sequentially, as 21 chronological judgements in all. Because of obvious similarities, my approach treats the seals, trumpets, and bowls as describing the exact same events. As always, treat this as opinion, do your own research, and let me know what you think.

FAI Study in Daniel

As a follow up to the 14-day fast, FAI is teaching a 16 session Bible study of Daniel chapters 7 thru 12 starting soon. If you’ve studied through the book of Daniel with us in our recent Los Amigos study this should prove to be an important adjunct. Teachers are Dalton Thomas and Joel Richardson. I still don’t have a link for desk top computers, although there is one coming. The link for the FAI App is here:

Pilgrims Progress

Last summer while I had a lot of time on my hands, I read a Christian classic, Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan. It’s a Christian allegory, a rather difficult read, because of the olden style of literature, but a real classic with an important message. Just recently, however, an award winning animated film has been produced for the masses. Because of our current situation with the virus, the producers have generously made it available online. You can watch it here:


I’m hoping you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to comment on these posts. They will be valuable to me and to others who read them and comment further. Use the “leave a comment ” either on the left side or below each post. I’m especially interested in what you have to say about the FAI Fast 14-day teachings. I’ve listened and studied along with the first four teachings by Dalton Thomas. Usually, when I listen to teachings concerning eschatology, I find something in them that I disagree with. So far, I agree with everything he’s taught. (For whatever that’s worth.) Jim

Beginnings of Birth Pangs

Jesus’ teachings about events leading up to His coming are detailed in the gospels. First comes “the beginnings of birth pangs” leading up to the “Great Tribulation”, a three and one half year period of full contractions. These beginning contractions include:

1. Deceptions

2.Wars and rumors of wars

3. Nation against Nation (ethnic disputes)

4. Famines

5. Pestilences – Think Corona virus, Locusts in Africa & Middle East

6. Earthquakes

7. Troubles (disturbances or roilings)

8. Commotions (instability and disorder)- Think economic collapse

1.thru 6. come from Matthew 24:5-7, 7. from Mark 13:8, 8. from Luke 21:7 All eight of these preliminary signs can be observed in current news sources– Today !! I Don’t think this is just coincidence. Keep Watching !!

Romans 8:28

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” NKJV

At this time when we see world-wide trouble all around us (economic collapse, corona virus, etc.) its hard to comprehend how these things can be working for our good, yet, that is just what this Scripture indicates. Jesus is building his Church, and it will comprise a Kingdom that will have been fully tested in all respects. How we respond to these crises will certainly test our faith. For example, is our trust in Him, or in governments to deal with these problems. Rest assured, God is on His throne, and completely in charge of these situations. He is our fortress, our strength, our Rock!


Daniel Study Completed

Our Los Amigos Bible study for this year has been completed. The book of Daniel was definitely a challenge, but very rewarding, especially concerning its emphasis on the end times. I know I’m a little better prepared to recognize some of the signs that are soon coming. If you’ve had the time to listen, I would appreciate your comments and/or questions. Follow the link listed in the previous post to access the you tube videos. Many thanks to Brendan Berthold for use of his recording, processing, and posting these videos.