Will There Ever Be a One-World Government?

The “god of this world”, Satan, is certainly trying to establish just such an entity. Of course, he’ll use his chosen human, the antichrist, to carry out his goals. Prophecy scholars debate just how expansive his eventual empire will be by the time he sets up the abomination of desolation on Jerusalem’s temple mount. It certainly will include all of the ancient Ottoman empire and much of the surrounding territories, but just how much of what we term “western civilization” is not clear from scripture. It may be the whole globe, or something less, as hinted at by scriptures such as this from the prophet Daniel: When speaking about the king of the north (antichrist) at the appointed time (time of the end) he says the following: “For ships from Kittim (western lands) shall come against him; therefore, he shall be grieved, and return in rage against the holy covenant, and do damage.” (Daniel 11:30). He will definitely have some powerful enemies that might not align with his despotism.

Currently, the world-wide push from globalists seeking a one-world government seems uncoordinated. And that’s by design. God’s design, of course. All of the powerful players behind this effort such as the UN, WEF, WHO and many other powerful but nefarious organizations aided by most of the political leaders of nation states as well as revered “thought leaders” and billionaire businessmen thru ought the globe comprise what the bible calls “Mystery Babylon”. This loosely knit entity described in Revelation chapters 17, 18, and 19 will achieve a modicum of success in our near future with the help of AI, digital currencies, media control, and control of human resources necessary for life. Mystery Babylon is currently maturing and like the coming antichrist is also controlled by the god of this world. (See the article “Mystery Babylon” linked to below.) As Christians, we need to learn to rely on God to meet our needs, not the worlds systems. This is a tall order, but one we must master if we are to “endure to the end” as Jesus commanded. Jesus is our example. Let’s learn from Him.

Both Mystery Babylon and antichrist’s world dominating kingdoms will come to total destruction, one of them at the hand of the other. Mystery Babylon will be destroyed by the beast (antichrist) and his ten-nation alliance who hate her. The antichrist will then dominate and try to impose his economic and religious system on the world before he finally meets his demise at Jesus’s coming.

Saints, we’re heading for one evil system of world governance followed by another. There doesn’t appear to be any respite till the return of Jesus. Then, world governance will be amazing! I can’t wait!

Maranatha, Jim

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