UFO’s and the Bible

A few years ago, I posted a short article on ufo’s, aliens, and the bible. Because of the renewed interest in ufo’s due to congressional hearings currently ongoing in the US I thought it might be good to repost that article. Here it is:

Et’s, UFO’s, and the Bible

You may recall news of a UFO cult called Heavens Gate, that committed mass suicide in 1997. They were following a couple who claimed to be the two witnesses of Revelation. They believed that physical death would allow them to ascend to a space ship associated with the comet Hale-Bopp. Thirty nine of them died in this incredible deception. Jesus warned us that the last days would be filled with deception. The belief in super-intelligent life forms piloting UFO’s is wide spread in our day. Various unexplained sightings, alien abductions, reports of ancient alien visitations, the popularity of sci-fi movies, government cover ups, etc. fuel this belief. Even the bible is used as a source of belief in extra-terrestrials. Following is my take on this subject.

First I’ll make a simple observation about UFO’s. They’re unidentified. Until such a time arrives that we have clear visual and mechanical details complete with inspection, even the most controversial incidents will remain just that; unidentified.

Next, lets get into the bible. All the descriptions of so-called UFO’s in the bible, such as Ezekiel chapter 1, constitute visions where the prophet is given a glimpse into the spirit realm. There is a spirit realm where God and His angels reside, but it remains outside of the physical realm we inhabit. These visions do not depict UFO’s from another place in our physical universe. Various commentators try to invoke the “fornicating angels” theory whereby the Nephilim of Genesis are making last days appearances in UFO’s. A sound rebuttal of this theory is contained in the article permanently linked below entitled “The ‘Sons of God’ and the ‘Daughters of Men'”. Yes, angels do appear in this physical realm from time to time as clearly seen in the bible, but, only as God’s messengers, not UFO pilots. And yes, we do need to be wary of Satan and his minions. They will as Jesus said “….show great signs and wonders to deceive….” (Matthew 24:24). “Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” (2Corinthians 11:14)

Does the bible allow for beings from other than planet earth to exist elsewhere in the universe? Specifically, beings much more advanced than humankind in order for them to travel impossible distances to get here? In the beginning, God and Jesus created man in Their image. ” Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” (Genesis 1: 26) “For man …. is the image and glory of God” (1Corinthians 11:7). These statement and others indicate that man as created by God was special in that he was God-like. Adam, before the fall, was the smartest being ever created with the exception being Jesus Himself. Adam was at a level where he walked and talked (communed) with his creator. If there exists in this universe advanced beings of greater intelligence than Adam, they would have to fit in between Adam and God. However, the fact that man was created in God’s likeness does not give room for such beings. IMHO, the bible does not allow for super intelligent ET’s that could pilot UFO’s across the universe.

But, you may be wondering, what about simpler life forms, plant and animal, could they exist on other planets ? Concerning this, the bible is silent. Life is only described here on earth and in the spirit realm. We can only speculate. On the third day of creation, God created the sun, moon and the stars. Then He “stretched them out” to the expanse we now see. This stretching is described in Isaiah 42:5,45:12, 51:13 and Jeremiah 10:12,and 51:15. For all you astro-physicists out there, this was the real “expansion” big-bang theorists try to describe. God doesn’t do anything without a reason. While we know He created this earth to be inhabited by His creation (Isaiah 45:18), He also had a purpose for creating the vast universe. I suspect His perfected creation after the millennial reign will be involved. Could God have designed vast Edenic real estate for His people throughout the universe to inhabit ? I’m only speculating, of course, but some sort of life may be awaiting us just as Eden was prepared for the creation of Adam. The Apostle Paul quoted Isaiah thusly; “”Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1Corinthians 2:9). He also said this about when perfection comes; “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” (1Corinthians 13:12) The implication here is that Paul (and us) will “know”(have knowledge) just as God does.

So, to sum up, the bible seems to prohibit super intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and thus, ET UFO pilots. However, I would not be surprised if non intelligent flora and fauna were to be eventually found on other worlds, most likely after His second coming. For now, UFO’s remain unidentified. We absolutely need to be prepared for all sorts of deception in these last days. I hope you’ll spend more time reading and studying God’s word then pondering UFO mysteries.

Maranatha, Jim

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