Wars, Putin, Gog, Antichrist

The ongoing war in Ukraine continues to cause confusion amongst Christians about whether this will lead to the fulfillment of the Gog-Magog conflict described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. Therefore, I’m going to repost an article from a previous blog. I hope this helps.

There is much discussion currently in prophetic Christian circles about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine being a precursor of the Gog-Magog war described in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39. The controversy all boils down to one question; is Russia Magog? Varying translations add to the controversy. NKJ: “….Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.” KJ & NIV; “….Gog of the land of Magog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.” (Ezekiel 38:2). Note in the NKJ “Rosh” is a place (noun) along with Meshech and Tubal. In the KJ and NIV, “rosh” is an adjective translated “chief”describing the prince (Gog). Thus, many take “Rosh” in the NKJ to be a wordplay on Russia, and Meshech and Tubal word plays on the Russian cities of Moscow and Tobolsk. Therefore, they conclude Magog is Russia and Gog the leader of Russia, currently Vladimir Putin. Adding credence to this view is the wording that Gog is located in the “far north” of Israel. (Ezekiel 38:5,15). Russia is certainly to the far north of Israel.

However, there is much to support the view that Russia is not at all indicated by these scriptures.

First, the word plays on Rosh, Meschech, and Tubal, have no place in proper word etymology.

Second, the words “far north” simply mean “north quarter”. Drawing an X through Jerusalem will reveal the territory described. The word “far” is added by the translators.

Third, the most reliable early middle east maps show Magog, Meshech, and Tubal as areas of what is currently Turkey.

Fourth, Psalm 120 gives the outer limits of Davids sojourning to escape the threats of King Saul “Woe to me that I dwell in Meschech, that I dwell among the tents of Kedar.” (Psalm 120:5). If David went as far north as Moscow to escape Saul, he would have had to travel over 1500 miles to the north of Israel! No, his travels ranged from Assyria in the north and Arabia in the south. It’s absurd to think that David traveled to Moscow. Meschech is not Moscow.

Fifth, the Hebrew word rosh (roshe) is used 598 time in the Old Testament. It always means “chief, top, head, or principle, never a geographical place. The Jewish new year is called Rosh Ashana meaning “head” of the year. Chief prince is the correct translation. There are many other circumstantial reasons why Russia is not Magog that are beyond the scope of this blog, but these five reasons should suffice. Of course, it is possible that Russia will be involved to some degree in the final conflict of this age, even being one of the ten nations allied with the antichrist, but she is not Magog and Putin is not Gog. For more info on the origin of the antichrist, search or scroll back on this blog to the post “Origin of the Antichrist”.

Maranatha, Jim

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