AI, Mystery Babylon, and the Antichrist

AI (artificial intelligence) is a hot news topic these days. These machine learning programs are beginning to dominate the interface between human and all responsive organizations that deal with humanity. The days of phoning or chatting with a real human about your situation/status are just about over. These AI programs are quickly growing more and more powerful and, yes, intelligent, to the point where they will vastly exceed human capabilities. In many areas, they already do, as no human mind can absorb the vast array of information available on every possible subject available to or stored in these programs. But you might ask, can they match humans in applying “wisdom” in all situations? Of course, as they “learn” they are getting better. However, as they are inanimate programs created by humans, they contain the world views and biases of their programmers. Therefore, a select group of humans control their “thought patterns”. Because of their exponential growth and increase in their reasoning power, many experts in this high-tech field are worried that these programs may eventually discard the need for human involvement and begin evolving on their own toward systems capable of controlling mankind who they might perceive as being inferior.

Whether or not that’s even possible, AI is here to stay and quickly advancing. And it appears to be the perfect tool for Mystery Babylon to consolidate its dominance and control over mankind. The bible is quite clear that in these last days Mystery Babylon will have matured to the point where she will enjoy total control over the world’s politics, economy, and even social life and religion. See Revelation chapters 17,18, and 19 to read about her control of the “kings” and “merchants” of the earth. For an in-depth look at Mystery Babylon click here: A Biblical Tale.doc – Google Docs. The current move toward globalism, digital currencies, and world-wide social control exemplifies Mystery Babylon. She is already here and getting stronger. Amazingly, along comes a system to facilitate her control of the masses, AI. Without it, or something like it, control would be spotty, at best. But with AI she now has available the evolving technology to implement individual control of all the earth’s billions.

The bible informs us that Mystery Babylon will ultimately be destroyed at the hand of the antichrist and his allies. I speculate that the antichrist might accomplish this partly by sabotaging and usurping her control of AI. We see Mystery Babylon going from a position of riding (controlling) the Beast to total destruction at the hand of the Beast. In one day! The antichrist himself and his false prophet will then inherit an AI system capable of imposing and enforcing his 666 economic system which he will need to deploy to succeed in his world dictatorship.

Yes, I know I’m going out on a limb with these speculations about AI, but we cannot ignore what may be obvious indicators of the prophetic times we are living in. Jesus told-even commanded us to watch and make ourselves ready. AI is one of these developments we Christians need to keep an eye on.

Maranatha, Jim

One thought on “AI, Mystery Babylon, and the Antichrist”

  1. Shortly after you had written this, I had to ‘chat’ with the outfit that is hosting our church web site. I had a technical question but soon realized (as I suspected) that my ‘chat’ was with an AI Bot. And I also knew I wasn’t going to get an answer that way. After a few of my comments confusing the thing, it finally came back, “I will have one of OUR humans contact you.” I found it quite humorous, and a ‘human’ never did contact me.

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