The 1st White Horse of Revelation

When Jesus pops the 1st of seven seals securing the scroll that only He is qualified to open, John is shown a vision by one of the four throne cherubim of a rider on a white horse. “And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.” (Revelation 6:2). Analyzing this verse will help us identify this rider.

Let’s start with the color of the horse. As mentioned in a previous post, horses are militarily advantageous in war. The color white is biblically a reference to purity and holiness. The only other references to white horses in Revelation are to Jesus Himself riding a white horse when He comes at the end of the tribulation destroying His enemies at Armageddon and the army of heaven that follow Him also riding white horses. “And the armies of heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.” (Revelation 19:14). This is why many, if not most, commentators associate this 1st white horse in John’s vision to Jesus. But is that conclusion logical and consistent with scripture? This 1st white horse is released at the beginning of Daniel’s seventieth week, while Jesus comes on His white horse at the end of the tribulation seven years later. The primary weapon of this 1st rider is a “bow”, conventional weaponry. Jesus destroys with the “sword ” from His mouth-His Word. He is not in need or lacking a crown, as He already has one as King of the universe. He also does not need to “conquer”, take possession of earthly territory, He will simply destroy his enemies when he comes. Not only that, but if Jesus is this rider, that would be totally inconsistent with the character of these four horsemen whose collective mission is to stir up trouble for mankind on the earth. So, if it’s not Jesus, who is it?

As I’ve stated previously, the four horsemen are all “spirits” that proceed from the throne of God. If not Jesus, the only other logical choice is one of the army from heaven, as no other riders on white horses are mentioned. What then is the purpose of this spirit sent from God? Spirits are sent into the earth by God for many purposes. They interact with mankind consistent with God’s plan for His creation. God’s plan for the final seven years before His Son comes to set up His kingdom includes a period of time when an evil ruler rises to dominate mankind. He uses military dominance and intrigue to establish his reign. With his allies, he destroys the world’s political, economic, and religious system (Mystery Babylon) and replaces it with his own. He, the antichrist, is a man, not a spirit, but is influenced by spirits controlling him. I believe this rider on a white horse is sent to plant ideas in the head of this man, so that God’s plan will be carried out just as prophesied. I believe that this fits very well with the description of this rider. The color white aptly describes his messiah image, after all, he is the “anti” Christ. The books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation certainly describe him as a conqueror wielding a “bow”. Ezekiel describes God’s defeat of Gog (antichrist) thusly; “Then I will knock the bow out of your left hand and cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand.” (Ezekiel 39: 3). Of particular note, is the fact that he is given a crown as a king. “Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done.” (Daniel 11:36). God allows him a crown and permits this evil reign for a short time to test all peoples on the earth.

For these reasons, I believe the first of the four horsemen, the rider on the white horse, is sent to guide and assist the nefarious planning of the antichrist and, perhaps, even possess him, so that God’s ultimate plan will be carried out. Make no mistake, God is on the throne directing events as we approach the end of this millennium and begin the new. This 1st rider on a white horse is but one of the tools God will be using in these last days.

My next post will focus on the second rider, the rider on the fiery red horse.

Maranatha, Jim

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