Passover Sacrifice

For the past ten years, Orthodox Jewish Rabbis have been performing a ritual sacrifice of a lamb on the feast of Passover. These reenactments are in anticipation of the time when the Israeli government and whoever else in authority will allow an actual sacrifice to take place up on the temple mount in either a rebuilt Jewish temple or at least an outdoor altar constructed specifically for this purpose. This year (2023) was no different.

Passover sacrifice reenactment takes place adjacent to the Temple Mount – Israel365 News

The significance of this sacrifice cannot be understated. It’s the most important ritual commanded in Mosaic law. And, with certainty at some point in the near future, it will commence. When it begins, it will mark the start of one of the most important end-time events of all, the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. Of course, this seven-year period ends with the return of Jesus to set up His kingdom. You may be wondering; what could possibly happen to allow such a sacrifice to take place? The prophet Daniel gives us a strong clue. “Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.” (Daniel 9:27). Though controversial, I believe the “he” in this verse to be non-other than the antichrist. The “covenant ” he confirms I believe to be the Mosaic covenant, which would then (in his deceitfulness) allow temple sacrifices to commence in fulfillment of prophecy. However, true to his devious ways, he does not permit this to go on for long. “But in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.” (Daniel 9:27). After three-and one-half years, he shows his true colors as the abomination he actually is.

As Christians, we know that the real sacrificial Lamb was Jesus on that Passover 2000 years ago. However, orthodox Judaism has yet to acknowledge this fact. By the time this seven-year period is completed they will recognize the One they pierced as the Messiah. For now, we must keep abreast of events leading to the restarting of this Passover sacrifice such as the preparation of a red heifer necessary for ritual purity. All of these prophetic events are near or already in motion. We’re living in the last days. Stay tuned.

Maranatha, Jim

2 thoughts on “Passover Sacrifice”

  1. Pretty unbelievable isn’t it? Astounding times we’re living in. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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