Mystery Babylon Rising

Mystery Babylon is coming into its own. If you’re at all familiar with the bible, and particularly bible prophecy, you’ve read about this world dominating entity that appears to be in complete control of world politics, economics, and even religion, just prior to control by the antichrist. You can and should read all about her in Revelation chapters 17-19. I also have written an in-depth bible- based article exposing her identity that I’ve permanently linked to in this blog. You can read it here: A Biblical Tale.doc – Google Docs. Recent news stories and world events keep piling up evidence that the emerging dominance of MB is certain in our time, not in some distant future. While bible scholars wrangle about the nature and identity of what MB might be in the future, it’s become clear to me that she’s already here and consolidating her insidious control with frightening rapidity. World governance is her predominant goal using established structures such as the United Nations, nation states that have leaders with similar globalist agendas, multinational corporations that have billionaire “thought leaders” at their helms, and the world-wide reserve banking system that controls the world’s economies.

There’s no question the UN is at the center of all this, coordinating and guiding member nations with their “2030 Agenda” a program focused on “sustainable development goals” to “transform the world”. It seems the entire planet has signed on to this agenda. Its ultimate goal is total control of all humanity on this planet. The developing source of funding to accomplish this appears to come from richer nations that are taxed according to carbon emissions due to supposed “climate change”. Of course, serious science debunks much of this as a global warming hoax. No matter, climate change has been promoted successfully as fact. Also under the UN’s purview are organizations such as the World Court, that can issue legally binding decisions to nation states that one would think would be sovereign, the World Health Organization (WHO) that is gaining ever increasing power over nation states to dictate their behavior in control of their populations during health crises such as the covid pandemic we have just experienced, and the World Bank that manages loans to needy countries. All this and much more means unprecedented power and control.

Also facilitating MB’s growth are institutions such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) whose tenacles reach across the world. Their focus on what they’ve called “the great reset” has a target of global socialism controlled by an elite group of “thought leaders” made up of politicians and billionaire businessmen that will better control all aspects of civilization. Many current heads of nation states are graduates of the WEF’s young leaders program. This will constitute a “New World Order” where it is said no one will own anything but will be happy. Sure. This fits in perfectly with the UN”s sustainable development goals.

Undergirding all this is the world’s social move toward equity, diversity, inclusion, the “wokeism” so popular with liberal thinking in the western nations and the EU. This mindset willingly buys into globalist thinking described above. It seems there’s no stopping this disgusting trend. A new normal? I hope not. It is manifesting itself as the “religious” aspect of MB.

The recent run on banks and subsequent bank failures will undoubtedly lead to further consolidation of financial institutions resulting in greater financial power in fewer hands, a boon to globalists. Another result will probably be an accelerated push toward digital currencies that will give governments unlimited control over individual spending. Reserve banks such as the US’s federal reserve already exercise unchecked and unlimited power to control the economies of nation states. Together with massive financial institutions such as Blackrock, Vanguard, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs, their leaders make up the “merchants” of Mystery Babylon. “For your merchants were the great men of the earth” (Rev. 18:23). Interestingly enough, the moral underpinning of these large multinational companies is “ESG” or environment, social, and governance, fitting right in with UN and WEF goals.

You may be wondering, is there any aggressive push back to all of this? The short answer is, very little. Yes, conservative Christianity is certainly an opposing force, but is being overwhelmed at every turn. There was a time when I thought eastern and oriental governments would oppose these globalist goals, but I was wrong. India, for example, has become the poster boy for implementation of a national ID for every individual eliminating any personal privacy concerns. China has imposed what is called a “social credit score” on its citizens for total control and has stated its support for global governance. A recent article in Breitbart confirms Xi’s commitment. Xi Jinping: China Will Be ‘Active’ in Reforming ‘Global Governance’ ( No, nothing will halt MB’s rise to eventual domination over mankind. It’s a sure prophecy. God is in control of end time events. He’s the One engineering MB’s rise. Satan, the “god of this world,” thinks he’s the mastermind behind it all. And, he thinks he’s just starting. Eventually he plans to crush MB at the hand of his man, the antichrist, and place him in authority over all the world’s systems in place of MB, imposing his economic system. It’s called the “abomination of desolation”. MB will ultimately be totally destroyed. As it stands right now, MB controls the one who will become the antichrist-the beast. In fact, it is said that she rides (controls) the beast. (Rev 17:3). He, the antichrist, near the middle of Daniel’s 70th week flips the table on her and the beast along with his allies burn her with fire. (Rev 17:16-17).

No question, Mystery Babylon is advancing before our eyes. What can we do about it? We can’t stop it because it’s certain prophecy. But we must be aware and equipped to deal with her in our personal lives. As her rule becomes more onerous, we must be fully prepared to do as our Lord instructs us: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4)

Maranatha, Jim

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