Could You Survive Without Technology?

There’s a certain time coming when Christians may be denied access to modern technology. And I don’t mean just computers and smart phones. I mean anything and everything that comes into your home such as utilities from external sources that you are currently billed for. Could you cope without access to heat, air conditioning, electrical appliances, water, sewer, automobile use, loss of your job, social security, bank accounts, etc. etc.? The last 3 1/2 years of Daniel’s 70th week or what Jesus called the “great tribulation” will be marked with rule by the antichrist who will require a “mark” to buy and sell. In other words, all will be mandated to swear allegiance to him and his economic system imposed on the world. Of course, this is anathema to Christians which would cause them to forsake the salvation Jesus has provided. We all need to contemplate these things, because our bibles tell us that’s what awaits us in the near future. While many have become “preppers” in anticipation of these conditions, while somewhat prudent, it’s not how Jesus told us to prepare.

Jesus wants us to shift from our dependence on ourselves and the worlds systems completely over to Him. He wants us to cast all our cares onto Him. “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” (Matthew 6:27). I’m not bringing this up to instill fear or worry in you, but to emphasize the fact that we have an eminently capable resource to see us through these times. But, if you’re like most Christians (I’m including myself here), we’ve become so accustomed to a life dependent on technology that total reliance on Christ for all our needs is a major shift. Sure, it’s easy to conjure up all sorts of intractable difficulties that could befall us. But rest assured-He’s capable and up to the task. Do you think for a moment that He won’t care for His bride? Our bibles are filled with examples of Gods provision for His people. A prime example is His care for Israel after being set free from slavery in Egypt. They lacked nothing essential for life during forty years in an arid desert. We will need Him to sustain us for a much shorter period of three- and one- half years. And sustain us He will. In a previous post I discussed places of safety that will be available to Christians during this trying time. Will Christians Be Directed to Safety During the Great Tribulation? – Jim’s Eschatological Info (

We need to watch and keep abreast of end-time events as they unfold. This day is surely coming. Remember what the apostle Paul said: “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this day should overtake you as a thief.” (1Thessalonians 5:4). We must be ready to forsake all our worldly comforts and allow our Savior to meet all our needs during this brief time of trouble. We have His promise: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

Maranatha, Jim

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