US Election and Bible Prophecy

When considering this late date, the nearness of Jesus’s return, and the American election, an overriding question is: will the US be judged to be a sheep nation or a goat nation? This upcoming presidential election in November 2024 just might prove to be the deciding factor. The choice between the two candidates could not be more stark. While one candidate is overtly supportive of Christian principles and biblical values, the other is just the opposite. Examples include abortion. One candidate is demonstrably pro-life with limited exceptions who has appointed pro-life justices that resulted in overturning Roe v Wade. The other is pro death thru the entire term of pregnancy and even after. One candidate is supportive of lawlessness, such as illegal immigration and non-prosecution of rioters and looters, while defunding police. The other is for strict enforcement of existing laws. One candidate aligns with globalist goals, while the other would maintain and nurture an independent nation-state. Importantly, one candidate is consistently obstructing support for Israel in her time of need, while the other has done more for Israel than any other American leader. I could go on, but I think you get the point. The choices could not be more clear and biblically opposite.

So, what does this portend in light of biblical prophecy? Remember, God is in complete control. If the pro-Christian candidate wins in November judgment on this nation could be at least delayed. Overt support of Israel will fulfill a biblical mandate bringing blessing to the US. In fact, the US may even become a place of refuge for fleeing Jews during the last half of the tribulation (Daniel’s 70th week). If the other candidate wins, the US will surely move closer to globalist goals and ultimately align with the antichrist’s economy, bringing severe judgment.

Matthew 25 verses 31-46 describe what is referred to as the Bema seat judgment by Christ when he returns. While it contains elements of individual judgment, it is primarily a judgement of the nations. “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on His throne of glory. And all the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.” (Matthew 25:31-32). The rest of these verses describe the sheep as those who took care of the least of Jesus’s brethren, and the goats as those who did not. The goats are sent to eternal fire, while the sheep inherit the kingdom. Whom Jesus calls “My brethren” (verse 40) include both Christians and His fellow Jews.

I believe the outcome of November’s election will likely establish the trajectory of the US; will it be judged by Jesus to be a sheep nation or a goat nation? That consideration alone makes this election probably the most important in US history. I hope and pray we are on the right side of history. If you are an American voter, please vote your conscience in November, it may be of eternal consequence.

Maranatha, Jim

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