I hope you have been studying Daniel chapters 7-12 with Dalton and Joel on the FAI app or FAI studios.com. By the way, if these links don’t work for you, both men have YouTube channels where all the teaching videos are posted. I’ve listened to the first eight of them and have been blessed and certainly learned some new things.
If you were a part of or listened to the Los Amigos study of Daniel, you may be noticing some differences. For example, I taught chapters 7 and 8 from a primarily future perspective with a past typology, whereas Joel teaches a primarily past or historical fulfillment. He may be right – time will tell. I love Dalton’s insights, but disagree with him as to the identity of the “restrainer” of 2Thess 2:7. I think it’s Michael, not the antichrist himself. I’m still mulling over the start of the 2300 days at the commencement of temple sacrifices. Interesting ! I need to point out that these differences I see are minor in nature and in no way take away from the valid scripture exegesis these men are displaying. I’m looking forward to the next eight studies. Jim