Globalism-the Fuel for Mystery Babylon

Globalism, or the quest for centralized world population control of all aspects of life, is the number 1 political issue across the world in this year of 2024. Whether it’s the platform of the WEF or the UN’s agenda 2030 or the WHO’s attempts at absolute control or the trend toward open national borders or climate change, etc., it’s easy to see the world-wide effort toward a new world order of central governance. This issue of globalism is at the heart of elections taking place across the globe. While there are certainly other important issues, globalism is tops even if you don’t realize it. Here in America, where I am writing this, we are nearing an election where a confirmed globalist incumbent is running against an anti-globalist. For the time being, it seems the anti-globalists are gaining in strength as has been recently demonstrated in some EU countries. The European Union has been held up as an example of what global control might look like if only stubborn countries would be willing to give up their national sovereignty.

The globalist world leaders are taking this threat seriously and taking appropriate action, so they do not lose the gains they have made in the last two decades. They are getting involved by injecting huge sums of money into national elections supporting globalist candidates and exerting their power wherever possible against the anti-globalists. For example, even the Pope (a staunch globalist) is taking punitive action against Archbishop Vigano (an ardent outspoken anti-globalist).

We Christians are aware of this globalist scheme to unite nations, political leaders, thought leaders, wealthy businessmen, etc. as it is foretold in our Bibles. Revelation chapters 17-18 describe this global entity in great detail. We know her as Mystery Babylon who corrupts the nations with her wiles. Is there any way to stop her from exercising world- wide control? Perhaps the results of upcoming elections may trip her up for a time in reaching her ultimate goals, but she will ultimately “reign over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:18).

The greater Mystery Babylon grows, the greater our personal resolve to fight her globalist ambitions and “come out of her” (Revelation 18:4) should be.

Maranatha, Jim

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